Ring in the New Year with our Polar Bear Plunge Tradition!
We are excited to announce the return of the Birch Bay Polar Bear Plunge to the Birch Bay Beach Park located at 7930 Birch Bay Drive – FYI: The Birch Bay Beach Park is the big empty field in the central part of Birch Bay.
10:00 AM – 11:40 AM:
- Plunge Registration
- Plunge Certificate Pickup
- T-shirt sales
- sweatshirt pre-order pickup.
- Stay warm and cozy inside the WECU warming tent with hot cocoa!
- Play games and get the blood flowing with our Event Partners Blaine-Birch Bay Park & Recreation District 2!
- Enjoy live music from JP Valentine in the tent until the plunge!
- Plunge – Get wet in the icy cold waters of Birch Bay from Birch Bay Beach Park to the Bay Breeze Restaurant. Get in, get wet, and get out! There are no prizes for the length of time spent in the bay!
12:15 PM – 2:00 PM:
- Dry off and warm up in the WECU warming tent and enjoy some hot cocoa!
- Enjoy live music from JP Valentine in the WECU Warming Tent following the plunge!
- Play games with Blaine-Birch Bay Park & Recreation District 2
- Plungers will enjoy a FREE bowl of chowder or chili from Blaine-Birch Bay Park & Recreation District 2
- Registration, certificate pickup, t-shirt sales, and sweatshirt pickup will continue until 2:00 PM while supplies last.
Handicapped parking will be available onsite at the Birch Bay Beach Park for those with mobility challenges.