Birch Bay, Semiahmoo and Blaine are located on the Pacific Flyway, a major migration route for birds. Lucky for us our moderate climate and abundant food make our area a great place to birdwatch. Pack appropriate footware to protect your feet from rain, sun or cold, grab your binoculars and see how many birds you can see in one day! See below for some helpful tips as you set off to adventure.
Be a Good Birder!
A few guidelines to keep in mind while birding to create a safe, fun and friendly birding experience for everyone!
- Keep dogs on a leash. Take time to clean up after your dog, and don’t allow them to chase birds.
- Respect private property and stay on established routes. Many beaches in Birch Bay are actually private property, be mindful of signage.
- Do not distrub or pick up any birds, especially young birds.
- Camp and park only in designated areas
- Resist the urge to feed birds. They do fine on their own.
- Use artificial light sparingly when filming and photographing birds, especailly for close-ups.
- Keep groups to a size that limits the impact on the environment and does not interfere with others.
What Kind of Birds Can I See in Birch Bay and Blaine?
- American Crow
- American Goldfinch
- American Robin
- American Wigeon
- Anna’s Hummingbird
- Bald Eagle
- Barn Swallo
- Barred Owl
- Barrow’s Goldeneye
- Belted Kingfisher
- Black Oystercatcher
- Black Turnstone
- Black-Capped Chickadee
- Brant
- Bufflehead
- Canada Goose
- Cedar Waxwing
- Chestnut-backed Chickadee
- Common Goldeneye
- Common Loon
- Dark-Eyed Junco
- Double-crested Cormorant
- Dunlin
- Glaucous-winged Gull
- Golden-crowned Kinglet
- Great Blue Heron
- Greater Scaup
- Green-winged Teal
- Harlequin Duck
- Horned Grebe
- House Finch
- Killdeer
- Lesser Scaup
- Long-tailed Duck
- Mallard Duck
- Merlin
- Northern Flicker
- Northern Harrier
- Northern Pintail
- Northern Saw-whet
- Pacific Loon
- Pacific Wren
- Pelagic Cormorant
- Pied-billed Grebe
- Pigeon Guillemot
- Pine Siskin
- Purple Finch
- Red-breasted merganser
- Red-throated Loon
- Sharp-shinned Hawk
- Song Sparrow
- Spotted Towhee
- Steller’s Jay
- Surf Scoter
- Varied Thrush
- Western Grebe
- White-Crowned Sparrow
- White-winged Scoter
- Wilson’s Warbler
- Wood Duck
Pick up a FREE Birders Guide and maps to help guide you at the Birch Bay Visitor Information Center – 4819 Alderson Rd. #103, Birch Bay, WA 98230
Above photograph by James Clevenger