Golf carts in Birch Bay are now legal

Golf carts in Birch Bay are now legal

On May 22, 2018 the Whatcom County Council approved a new ordinance for Birch Bay which allows golf carts to operate on county roads that fall within the designated zone and have speed limits of 25mph. The council vote was a unanimous 7-0 and allowed for the ordinance to operate for 18 months after which it will undergo a review.

This is big news for Birch Bay and the hope is that the new ordinance will promote tourism and create a strong sense of community as people explore the village in their golf carts. Businesses in Birch Bay generally are excited about the news and believe giving people another reason to get out and explore the area may boost business.

The ordinance requires users to follow specific rules and also the rules that fall under the state requirements for golf cart zones. Golf carts will need to be equipped with mirrors (drivers side, passenger side, and rear view), seat belts, and reflectors. All drivers must be 16 years or older and have completed a drivers education course or have a license. Insurance in Washington is not required however it is strongly suggested that users carry insurance for their carts.

Full details of the ordinance may be viewed here –